Men Are More Likely to Die In Pedestrian-Auto Accidents Than Women

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Traffic accidents in the United States result in pedestrian deaths as well as those deaths suffered by the occupants of vehicles. In fact 12 percent of all traffic related fatalities occur to pedestrians. It is interesting to note that in a recently published article in, Injury Prevention, researchers at the West Virginia University School of Public Health and Injury Control Research Center discovered that men are at greater risk of being involved in an auto-pedestrian accident than women. The study also noted that men are 2.3 times more often killed in these accidents than women. Although the research revealed that men and women actually walked approximately the same distance every day, the auto accident statistics involving pedestrians confirmed the disparity between the deaths of male and female walkers when struck by a car. The research leader, Dr. Motao Zhu, was not able to explain the difference of the accident statistics as related to gender.

Dr Zhu suggested that there may be certain factors that make men more likely to die in these collisions. He queried whether men may take more risks such like crossing highways in the middle of the roadway or even being willing to walk along high speed roadways? The research also attributed some of these pedestrian deaths to drunk or otherwise impaired pedestrians.

At the law firm of Barry Regar A Professional Law Corporation we recently settled a Palm Springs pedestrian- auto accident for a client who was legally intoxicated and crossing East Palm Canyon at a relatively low lit corner. He was not crossing in a crosswalk that was located about 50 yards from the point of impact with the car. During the litigation process Attorney Barry Regar was able to prove that the driver of the car that struck the drunk pedestrian was probably exceeding the speed limit and was not paying attention to the roadway ahead of him. In that particular case the investigating police officers had concluded in the traffic investigation report that our client was the primary cause of the collision. It was only after many depositions were taken and a traffic reconstruction was performed by an expert hired by the firm that the defendant's insurance company was willing to settle the case for a substantial sum of money.

Contact the Palm Springs Personal Injury attorney at this firm for a thorough analysis of any traffic related injury or wrongful death matter.