Why do I need Uninsured Motorist Insurance?

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Unfortunately there are a lot of motorists driving around the Coachella Valley who are uninsured. Although the California Vehicle Code requires drivers to have liability insurance coverage the current economic situation in the desert communities, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Indio, etc. has forced many drivers to allow their insurance to be cancelled. If you are involved in an automobile accident with an uninsured driver, and you have uninsured motorist coverage included in your automobile insurance policy, you can make a claim against your own insurance company for all your damages that you would have been able to collect from the negligent driver's insurance company if he or she had liability insurance coverage. Therefore you can understand why it is so important to have uninsured motorist coverage. Being seriously injured by an uninsured motorist could very easily cause catastrophic physical and financial problems. As a Palm Springs Injury Attorney I have handled hundreds of uninsured motorist cases. I can report that your own insurance company will fight your uninsured motorist claim just a hard as if you were fighting the other drivers insurance company if he or she had liability insurance at the time they caused your accident injuries. Make sure your uninsured motorist insurance limits are as high as you can afford. If your limits are low and you are injured by an uninsured motorist in the Coachella Valley, you may suffer without obtaining the compensation you deserve.