Coachella Valley Personal Injury Litigation Costs May Increase

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There is possible bad news for Coachella Valley auto accident victims in the foreseeable future. The California budget crisis has finally had its effect on the legal system. The Los Angeles Superior Court recently announced plans for the most significant cutback of services in its history.

As of June 30, 2012 the Court will decrease its staff by almost 350 workers while closing 56 courtrooms. It will also reduce the use of court reporters in the courtrooms. As of May 15, 2012, the Los Angeles Superior Court will no longer provide court reporters for civil trials. Palm Springs auto accidents causing personal injuries to an innocent driver who finds it necessary to take their case to a jury trial because the insurance company adjuster for the at fault driver offered a ridiculously low settlement offer, already has to pay for the court reporter and jury fees during the actual jury trial. If Riverside County follows the lead of Los Angeles in eliminating court reporters for Law and Motion matters in Civil cases, the cost of litigating a Palm Desert personal injury case will increase. At the present time Riverside County Superior Courts provide court reporters for all Civil Court proceedings that occur before the Civil Jury trial starts for the typical auto accident personal injury case.

If our County feels the financial crunch as did Los Angeles we can expect to see the budget crisis hit our Riverside County Superior Court services. Although the firm of Barry Regar A Professional Law Corporation as the Palm Desert and Indio personal Injury lawyer advances the costs of litigating cases for our vehicle accident clients, when our efforts result in winning money for our accident clients by settling their cases out of court or by a successful jury verdict, the money we spend in litigating is ultimately paid back to us by the client. Therefore any additional costs our firm has to pay the Riverside Superior Court for court reporter fees effects our client's bottom line. Contact the Barry Regar Lawyer firm for all personal injury questions. If we accept your case, you pay us nothing in fees or costs up front. All fees and costs are on a contingent basis.
